Unified Basketball and LHS Marching Band celebrating 1st Game against Hewlett
over 5 years ago, Michael Gordon
Marching Band
Unified Basketball and LHS Marching Band
Unified Basketball
Unified Basketball
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Feder
Starting lineup
Unified Basketball Season Opener
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Feder
Unified Basketball season opener
Please join us at 9:30 AM on Friday, May 3rd, for a Breakfast Briefing for Parents on Digital Citizenship. We will discuss safe and responsible internet, and social media use! Another workshop will be held on 5/24. Please see the District News section for more information.
over 5 years ago, Digital Citizenship Workshops
See you Monday morning as we welcome our students and staff back from spring break. Let’s aim for full on time attendance. Attendance matters !
over 5 years ago, Lawrence School District
School Reopens Monday, April 29th Read and rest!
over 5 years ago, Lawrence School District
Dr Lagnado Papp welcomes the Eighth graders to Lawrence High School for the first step in their transition to High school. Students learn about the 40 clubs, 550 course and expectations for success beyond high school.
almost 6 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Our 2019 Music Honor Society Inductees-Great work!
almost 6 years ago, Lawrence Music Department
Music Honor Society
Music Honor Society
Once again, Lawrence has been selected to be filmed by the team from Read180 to showcase our implementation of the reading program’s success.
almost 6 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Film crew
almost 6 years ago, Brett Kornblum
Saturday Math Academy
Amazing HS Advanced group concert last night! Congratulations to all our performers!
almost 6 years ago, Lawrence Music Department
HS wind ensemble
HS jazz
HS chamber
HS chorus
Beautiful MS Advanced group concert this week!
almost 6 years ago, Lawrence Music Department
Wind ensemble
Jazz band
Chamber orchestra
Show choir
It was work together Wednesday during our celebration of the Week of the Young Child at the Early Childhood Center at #4 School
almost 6 years ago, Ann Pedersen
ALLERGY AWARENESS POSTER CONTEST You can be use any materials you wish to create your poster. Winners will receive a food allergy awareness bracelet & a "Homework Free" Day Pass. Posters must be submitted to your teacher by May 10 & will be displayed on May 20 at the Art Show!
almost 6 years ago, Lawrence School District
Allergy Awareness Poster Contest
Please join us at 9:30 AM on Friday, April 12th for a Breakfast Briefing for Parents on Digital Citizenship. We will discuss safe and responsible internet, and social media use! More workshops will be held on 5/3 & 5/24. Please see the District News section for more information.
almost 6 years ago, Digital Citizenship Workshops
Workshop Descriptions
Workshop Descriptions
Workshop Descriptions
Workshop Descriptions
Great presentation tonight! Mark Leinweaver speaking to parents, student athletes, coaches and teachers about selecting the right college and playing sports at the next level
almost 6 years ago, Michael Gordon
College Athletics Presentation
College Athletics Presentation
College Athletics Presentation
College Athletics Presentation
Attention Parents of Special Education Students - Our next Parent Workshop will be at 5 PM Thursday, April 11th, at the Early Childhood Center (#4 School). Our topic will be Temperament. Child care is available. The workshop will be in English & Spanish. Hope to see you there!
almost 6 years ago, Parent Workshops
Parent Workshop - English
Parent Workshop - Spanish
As members of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) the Lawrence Pre K program is celebrating the Week of the Young Child . Lawrence students performed for pre-k on this ‘Music Monday’.
almost 6 years ago, Lawrence School District
Music Monday
Are you interested in playing sports in College? Please join us for this College Athletics Presentation for Parents and Student Athletes this Monday, 4/8/19 in the LHS Cafeteria at 7:00 PM. Learn how to select the right college and play sports at the next level!
almost 6 years ago, Michael Gordon
College Athletics Presentation
College Athletics Presentation
College Athletics Presentation
1st Annual Varsity Baseball Clinic held on Saturday at LHS. Thank you to the Varsity Baseball Team and Coach Beirne and Coach Rodriguez for providing a fun and exciting day of instruction to our younger student athletes.
almost 6 years ago, Michael Gordon
Baseball Clinic
Baseball Clinic
Baseball Clinic
Baseball Clinic