Come join us for LHS’s Buskins show!!
LHS has partnered with Yondr to provide our student with phone free environments, eliminating distractions and helping our teachers provide a highly effective learning environment!
Art Department Professional Learning Community
In Celebration of Martin Luther King Day at LHS
Private School Transportation renewal requests will be available online beginning February 1st
LES Student Council Proudly Display Their ID Badges
HMH visits LES for Professional development with third, fourth and fifth grade teachers of math.
Congrats to the Wrestling Team as they defeated Sewanhaka West. Come support the Wrestling Team as they take on Hempstead today at 4:30 PM. This is their final Home Match of the season
Reminding our learners to CHOOSE KIND every single day.
The Brain Show, the interactive educational game show, comes to LES!
LES students outside of Radio City before the Spectacular Rockettes show!
Flexible seating for our youngest learners.😊
Lawrence Primary School officially opened their new playground on January 15, 2019!
CNA students ready to start their clinical experience at Oceanview Nursing & Rehabilitation Center. By all accounts, it was a very successful first day!
Our Performers!
Welcome Remarks at All County At Tilles Center
Lawrence hosts All County
Learning about the new app
Success is within the reach of each and every learner.