May 4, 2022
Please see the letter found at the link below in regards to Megan's Law notifications received by the District on May 3rd, 2022.

April 26, 2022
From Monday, April 4 to Friday, April 8, Lawrence Early Childhood Learning Center celebrated the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Week of the Young...

April 11, 2022
The Week of the Young Child is a time to recognize that children's opportunities are our responsibilities, and to recommit ourselves to ensuring that each and every child experienc...

April 1, 2022
Please see our April Calendar with upcoming exciting events! We will also have Spring Break from April 14th-22nd.

March 16, 2022
ECC completed an author study week with specific books and authors each day to celebrate reading! Our goal is to show our children the joy of reading and build a nation of readers...

February 16, 2022
February 28th - March 4th we will celebrate Read Across America Spirit Week by focusing on an author study each day! Please see the below link for the daily theme based on author!...

February 14, 2022
Please see the attached March 2022 Calendar! We have Read Across America Spirit Week to looking forward to. Our teachers are also excited to meet with their parents to discuss eac...

February 7, 2022
On February 2, 2022, our learners at the Lawrence Early Childhood Center Number 4 School made predictions on whether or not the Groundhog would see his shadow ! 6 more weeks of wi...

February 7, 2022
February is Black History Month, which is an annual celebration of African American history. During Black History Month we remember and celebrate the important people from the pa...

February 7, 2022
Chinese New Year , also known as Lunar New Year , is the most important celebration observed in China, with cultural and historic significance. The festival signals the beginni...

January 31, 2022
Please check out the February Calendar on our website for our February HIGHLIGHTS! We have so many days to look forward to before our Winter Break! We are looking forward to celeb...

January 26, 2022
https://greatergood.berkeley.e... Dealing with Our Wandering Minds “Your brain has a mind of its own,” says Dan Rockwell in Leadership Freak. It wanders whe...

January 21, 2022
On January 14th, New York State Department of Health released the following updated Quarantine and Isolation tables. They can also be viewed online using the link below: Updated ...

January 18, 2022
To end our week with some fun, on Friday, January 14th, our learners engaged in Peaceful Letter Day! Thank you, Michele DiCeglio for preparing this day for us!
Lowercase ...

December 13, 2021
Thursday, December 16 th / Jueves, 16 de diciembre LIGHT UP DAY!
Wear your holiday lights or something that sparkles and light up our school with holiday ...

December 7, 2021
Please see the attached December Calendar for ECC! Our 5-Day Growth Mindset Challenge, the Self Love Challenge, and the Friendship Challenge all focus on completing multi-sensor...

December 7, 2021
ECC Families: We are excited to have been able to host an ENL Night to present on the NYSITELL exam and parent letters that were recently sent home regarding children's ENL se...

November 22, 2021
World Kindness Day is a global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world . The purpose of this day , celebrated on Novembe...

November 22, 2021
On October 29th we had our Annual ECC Fall Festival with our learners during school! All students explored throughout different fall -themed educational activities that teache...

October 22, 2021
Please see the above November 2021 Calendar at a glance. We will have our Parent Teacher Conferences virtually this year. Dismissal will be at 11:15am.