If your child is in Hybrid Learning, Cohort A & B, please complete and submit these Assurances prior to coming to school each day until our Health App is live. This must be filled out each day if your child enters the school.
Assurances Google Form:

Lawrence Families
Please see our Back to School newsletter.
Cohort A, Blue families be sure to complete the assurances document by Monday evening.
Thank you
Dr Pedersen

Thank you to the Remote Families for participating in our Remote Families Virtual Community Circle this evening! Remote learning, by its very nature, integrates school and home life, exposing students to a real life learning opportunities outside of school. Learning will be live streamed from the classroom to each students personal Chromebook provided by the District. Your home will become a learning environment!
Please utilize the link below to access or rewatch the Community Circle Video.

Students who elected into the Remote Learning Model and students that are in Cohort B ONLY, last name beginning with letter M-Z, will be able to pick up their childs' Chromebook on Friday, September 4th from 8-9am and again from 1-2pm in front of the Number Four School, 87 Wanser Avenue.
This is our first opportunity to provide your child with the District Chromebook. We will arrange a second opportunity during the first week of school. We will announce that date and time soon! Until then, your child can stream into Google Classroom from a phone, tablet or home computer! Your teachers will be in touch with you this week!
If you have not finished the registration process, you will NOT be able to pick up a Chromebook on Friday. Please understand that there are many steps to assigning a device once students are officially registered. We will provide a second opportunity for pickup next week.
Please wear your mask and maintain a 6 foot distance.

Wednesday September 3rd food distribution for registered school age children is from 4:15 pm to 10:00 pm PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE
Thank you

We are happy to post our Kindergarten Orientation Part I & II below! We thank you for your patience as we are diligently preparing for the return of our students, both hybrid and remote learners. Your child's teacher will be in touch with each family by the end of this week to meet you via phone for any additional questions you may have!
Kindergarten Orientation Part I: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1grHOu3kNsvkTxLM0op51eN8LZer0aXiR/view?usp=sharing
Kindergarten Orientation Part II: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bk-8qK8aJi3nWc7zVayUjzdlTQMWeyJZ/view?usp=sharing
[Spanish] Kindergarten Orientation Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ziInbg4epJ4xu8PRcTExEod-UTXTvQr6kYeSBfnKy2c/edit?usp=sharing

A link to the Lawrence Public School's 2020-2021 Calendar & Information Guide has been posted in the news section on our sites. It can also be found at https://tinyurl.com/LawrenceCalendar20-21

On Thursday, September 3rd at 6pm, we will host a Virtual Community Circle for Kindergarten Remote Families ONLY. We will review the Remote Learning Model and review how to login and participate from home beginning Day 1. The session will be recorded and shared for those interested to watch.
We would like to extend this opportunity to address questions to those who elected into this option. Please use this Google Form to sign up and if your child is a REMOTE learner, we will send you the link 1 hour before the session.

Lawrence team of Jeffery, Mary and Angela are seen in the photo prepping mailing packets that include masks and important information for hybrid and full remote families. Teachers will be calling all their families this week to introduce themselves to you. Onward into a successful school year!

School starts for All LEARNERS Tuesday , September 8th. some via their connection to teachers on google classroom others in-person
Please note:
1. Teachers call all families throughout before Labor Day.
2. On the 8th Cohort A is in-person, Cohort B and Full Remote use google classroom
3 On the 14 Cohort B is in person, Cohort A and Full Remote use google classroom
4. On the 21st live steaming begins for cohort B and full remote while cohort A returns in person.
A Full Remore Orientation will take place prior to the 8th

Good morning Lawrence,
I hope you and your children are well.
Here is a link to our tenth summer newsletter including information on mailings and more!
My best to you,

Just a friendly reminder that Kindergarten will be at the Early Childhood Center at the Number Four School this year! 87 Wanser Avenue Inwood. Looking forward to a great school year!

Be sure to check the 'Documents' section of our website for the Kindergarten Supply List & the At Home Optional/Recommended Supply List. You will receive more information in the welcome packets which are being sent home later this week.

Please be sure to review all of Dr. Pedersen's informative posts on S'more. Below is a list of all S'mores posted since July! Dr. Pedersen provides us with updates including CDC and/or NYS Department of Health Guidelines, along with all health & safety procedures that we are implementing districtwide!
July 2020 Edition-https://www.smore.com/7zudq
July 17 Edition- https://www.smore.com/15a0t
(Spanish)- https://www.smore.com/ut67x
Lawrence Onward #3-
(English)- https://www.smore.com/p8y3h
(Spanish)- https://www.smore.com/bjsdh
Lawrence Onward #4- https://www.smore.com/9z3kp
Lawrence Onward #5- https://www.smore.com/zdbeu
Lawrence Onward #6- https://www.smore.com/crwsd
Lawrence Onward #7- https://www.smore.com/8mnzr
Lawrence Onward #8- https://www.smore.com/fsja0
Lawrence Onward #9 - https://www.smore.com/zw0sx
Stay healthy & well!

A dedicated space to study is helpful to the learning process. Please complete this form if you would like to use a school desk this year for your remote learner. Thank you and stay well. -Dr. Ann Pedersen https://forms.gle/pGvMHr9JZyqZPejX7

A few weeks ago, we held our ECC Kindergarten Virtual Community Circle. Information was shared regarding safety and health protocols, as well as our hybrid and remote learning options available at the Early Childhood Center. Parents participated by asking questions relating to the upcoming school year. Below is the link to listen in to our Community Circle discussion.

Please see the flyer attached and join us for our Grab and Go Book Fair from 9-11am tomorrow, August 26th in the front of Lawrence Elementary School, 195 Broadway in Lawrence. Students in Grades K-6 will be able to choose two free books to start their own home libraries! In addition, you will be able to pick up your Class Assignment & take home a student desk for your at home learning workspace! Please remember to wear a mask and watch your distance! We look forward to seeing you!

Welcome to the Lawrence Kindergarten website! Our site is officially active! Please be sure to sign up for Notifications to ensure you receive important updates and information pertaining to the Early Childhood Center & our Districtwide health & safety procedures ! Looking forward to a great school year!